Saturday 6-20: Redwood National Forrest


We continued south through Oregon and into Northern California until we hit the Redwood National Forrest.


The size of these things are unimaginable until you stand next to one.  We found out the technical difference between the Redwoods and the Sequoias are that Redwoods are taller and the Sequoias are even bigger around at the base than these.


By the way, we did discover the official name of the camper.  And we got it directly from the daughter of the previous owners.  It was the “Mary Sue” named after her Mom.  But Colby says it’s going to be renamed “Harvey”.  I asked why Harvey and she said then it would be “Harvey the RV”.  Can’t argue with that…


Here I am playing King of the Redwoods.  Glad I wasn’t around when this thing decided to come down.

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Colby always seems to keep things interesting.  She tried to make a skirt out of all the ferns and then she insisted on climbing down into the gulley to get a picture of her with the tree roots.

We drove to the next town and pulled into Wally World for the night.  With the exception of the local car club meeting next to us, it was a pretty quiet night.

2 thoughts on “Saturday 6-20: Redwood National Forrest

  1. I finally caught up on your recent posts– I agree with others that it is great to see the pictures and hear your stories and reflections. Makes me feel just a little bit like I have been there! Have you counted up how many different types of wildlife you have seen? I’ve seen quite a few in your pictures!
    I was grieved to hear that a United Methodist Church had worship without using Scripture! Seems like every person there, no matter who they are, needs to hear from God’s Word that you are his precious child and he loves you very much. I promise that you will hear that when you get home to Mackinaw United Methodist Church!! Bless you! Pastor Joy


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